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A Care Guide for Maintaining Hearing Aids

man repairing broken hearing aids

If you need to wear hearing aids to enhance your hearing, one of the things you need to get right is its maintenance. Maintaining your hearing aid properly is the only way to ensure that you get long-standing use from them.

If you have never had a hearing aid before you may not be sure exactly how you should go about taking care of it so that it can perform at maximum capacity. The good news is that when you learn a few tips and tricks you’ll be able to take care of your hearing aid and get a longer life out of it. 

Here’s a look at what you need to bear in mind when taking care of your hearing aid.

Heat and Moisture

Heat and moisture are two of the main culprits when it comes to damaging hearing aids. Make sure that when you take out your hearing aid you store them in a cool place and remove them when you are showering.

You can store your hearing aid in an airtight box that you keep near your bedside. Having a special place to store your hearing aid is one of the best ways to ensure that it does not experience any type of permanent damage.

Take Care of Your Batteries

Taking care of your battery is something that you must-do if you want your hearing aids batteries to last longer. Some hearing aid batteries need to be changed a lot quicker than others. 

Make sure that you ask your audiologist about the life of your battery before you decide on a particular style of hearing aid. Keep track of how long you have been using your battery. The last thing you want is for your battery to run out when you need your hearing aid the most. 

It is a good idea to always keep extra batteries on hand so that you can be ready in case something goes wrong with your battery before a battery change. This will help to reduce any inconvenience that may be caused by having a hearing aid that is not functioning properly.

Cleaning Is Important

Cleaning your hearing aid the right way is one of the most critical tasks that you will need to do to care for your hearing aid. Your hearing aid is likely to attract a lot of moisture and wax. It has already been discussed that moisture can be detrimental to the longevity of your hearing aid. This means that you need to ensure that you clean your hearing aid regularly. 

Wax and other debris can clog up your hearing aid. This can make it malfunction or at the very least not function as effectively as it should. You can clean your hearing aid by taking them out of your ear and using a damp cloth that is very soft to remove dirt and wax. 

You should use a gentle soap to cleanse your hearing aid. Do not become so impatient to get your hearing aid to dry faster you use a blow dryer on it. This can damage them significantly. 

You can instead use a towel to dry the excess moisture out of your hearing aid.

Minimize Feedback

Minimizing the feedback you get from your hearing aid is extremely important. If you hear whistling sounds coming from your hearing aid, this can reduce its performance. Feedback can happen if too much wax has built up inside your ear canal. Your audiologist will be able to take a look at your hearing aid and advise you of what the problem is. 

The most important thing is that if you keep getting feedback from the device, do not just take it for granted, make an appointment to see your audiologist so that it can be rectified.

Take Care of Your Hearing Aid

Taking care of your hearing aid is something that you must take seriously. The type of care that you give your hearing aid. can make a big difference to its longevity. Naturally, you will want to keep your hearing aid looking its best for as long as possible. 

The best way to do this is to ensure that you keep it away from moisture, clean it, check your batteries and inform your audiologist when there is too much feedback coming from the device. 

Spotting problems is easy when you do all these things. This will ensure that you have your device working at maximum capacity for the longest possible time.

Call Norriton Hearing Center at (610) 273-6077 if you think you’ll need a professional’s touch to repair your hearing aids.